Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Catch of the trip

Left Port Stephens at 5 am light SE winds for a over night leg to Coffs Harbor, 160Nm.
By 8pm off Crowdy Head a nice westerly land breeze had formed and we where making 8knts through the water but the east coast current was running at 2 - 3 knts ( 6 -5 knt SOG) . By 3am the SOG was down to 4 knts and the wind died.
Arrived at Coffs at 1pm on Monday


Louise said...

im missing something or need my eyes checked again where is the fish???

presentation night last night whistling kite won the winter series - i have the plaque left the trophy at the club

safe travels

Anonymous said...

is that bait??!
tuna next time.......

Anonymous said...

What the hell is that....a piece of string!? Greg come on you have to keep Gabs well - ie make sure you feed her with more than that or else you may not have a co-sailor! Steph