Thursday, June 3, 2010

Yamba to Mt Isa 1/6/2010

Slight detour to Mt Isa to install a new node at MT Isa Copper Mesh network, at least it is not raining !

While I am working the crew is out surfing and partying


Unknown said...

Looks like a very fancy port a loo your in there Greg! Can't understand why the crew isn't there with you as it looks very scenic and sunny with top class dunnies. CJ

Charles said...

Glad your helm was balanced Greg - good to know something is - Has been raining a bit here - Mt Isa looks quite inviting for once

Will said...

Looks nice Greg, guess it will be hard to go back to Yamba after Mt Isa.

Anonymous said...

mm I thought the same thing Christine - is that you Greg just coming out of a very warm portaloo, Steph