Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dunk Island To Eddie Reef To Mourilyn Harbour

Left Dunk Island for a day out on the reef. Thought we'd make the most of the windless days (ideal  reef conditions). One wouldn't want to be anchored on the reef in  ultra strong winds + surrounded by coral bommies!

So motored 15nm to Eddie reef. Not having been there before; and with the chart showing 50m+/- accuracy horizontally and 2m+/- vertically, I stood on bow with my poloroid sunnies, directing Greg's steering around the coral bommies so we could get close enough to drop anchor and go for a snorkel.
However it wasn't to be. It was such a 'zig-zag' route to get in,leaving us no swing room to drop anchor without smashing into the coral. So we reversed; and Deb and I 'stood off' (ie:floated on yacht in  deep channel surrounding reef)  while the boys took off in the rubber duck with fishing gear  and beer!.....We were running low on food and really needed a decent catch.
Fish were caught: Three were under sized so thrown back; The one  edible sized fish caught, needed to be identified (by our fish book),only to discover it was a "trigger" fish, with no  "eat-rating" given.

So, promptly motored 15nm north west to Greg's favorite anchorage for the night! (as shown in photo).

This is a natural (unmade by human hands) harbour., in that it is  (not too narrow) an opening between two  small headlands, then opens up wide (so a sugar cargo ship could spin around) into an all weather protected bay with the Morsby river running up stream.

Here we had the quietest/stillist night's sleep so far on the trip!....after eating
vegetarian lasagna..... maybe a fish dinner tomorrow night!

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