Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hinchinbrook Island to Dunk Island

With light se/ne wind, we motored from the wilderness of Hinchinbrook into the hussle and bussle of romantic Dunk island.

After a couple of thirst quenching beers, we explored the rainforest and fishing potential of this island (whilst keeping out of the way of honeymoon couples).

Half of the island is rainforest and is devoid of honeymooners and 'oompa -loompas,'.So one can go for an enjoyable walk in solitude!

Fishing Update

Both Jim and Greg had epic battles with the aquatic Life:

Unfortunately the pilcheds used for bait were larger and more edible than the fish we caught.

1 comment:

Will said...

Thats a big pilchard! Forest looks tops, great country, looking forward to getting up that way soon. How far north you going?